​Musical Musings~ Reflections on Sunday’s Music

June 21, 2015
  1.  Our Hymn of Response~Reflections from the lyricist
"Jesus Sat and Watched The Crowd" is based on the story of the widow's offering.
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette states: "One of the wonderful Bible stories that many children learn in church school is " the widow's mite." It is one of the first stories we learn and perhaps one of the hardest to accept. As adults, we argue with the text: "Who would take care of her, if she gave everything away? Is it practical to give away everything? Isn't careful planning and saving a better approach?"
Sometimes people are reluctant to give to the church because they are not happy with how every penny is being spent by the institution. It is interesting that Jesus had problems with the Temple and yet he did not allow that to become an excuse for not giving to God. Jesus still commended the woman for her faithful and sacrificial gift. God knows what is in our hearts and our wallets. And we probably know, deep inside, that giving generously and trusting God completely will lead to the richness that the widow knew when she gave everything she had."

Sunday's Prelude: Scarlatti Piano Sonatas (L 457, L 217)
Sunday's Postlude: "Toccata" from God Who Blesses Us, His Name Be Praised-Richman