​Musical Musings~ Reflections on Sunday’s Music

April 26, 2015
  1. Jeanne Demessieux's short  work "Tu Es Petrus"
Today's  short Act of Praise contains a chant that depicts Matthew 16:18: "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.   Listen  for the following in Jeanne Demessieux's setting for the organ:
  • Its march-like quality representing the beginning of the journey of the Church of Christ
  • Its rigid, stationary and fixed bass line that represents the foundation of the Church
  • Its loud, declamatory statement of the chant reminding us of the victory of the Church-that God has already acquired the victory!
Prelude: Largo-Handel
Postlude: Paraphrase On A Chorus In Judas Maccabeus (handel), Op. 90, No. 16- Guilmant