Musical Musings~ Reflections on Sunday’s Music

March 2, 2014
  1.  3 different ways to experience “Fairest Lord Jesus”
As part of the Münster Gesangbuch (“Hymnal”) of 1677, this hymn can be traced back to the reformer John Hus.  According to Petersen Hus and his followers were “expelled from Bohemia and traveled to Silesia, where they became weavers and cobblers, maintaining their faith in secret.” [1] It is important to mention that this hymn contains no comments on persecution but instead praises a wonderful Savior during a time of distress.   Here are three different ways to experience this treasured hymn:
First, today’s prelude contains variations of this tune: In the Chorale in baroque style, listen for the decorated beauty of the top line accenting God’s amazing creation.  The Melody in Retrograde presents the hymn tune in reverse signifying Jesus as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  Finally, the Finale will be played with gusto to remind us of the inner joy we have as Christians and that, yes, we can dance and celebrate God’s kingdom!
Second, the Introit played by the Chancel Bells will begin freely reminding us of the freewill God provides us out of love. After the theme is introduced above a steady, block accompaniment, contrary motion scales follow possibly depicting the bowing down of us to Jesus-how worthy of honor He is and how we are not.
Third,  during the Hymn of Praise listen for the organ to blossom into a burst of joy and sound at the end of the third verse of the hymn: “Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer, Than all the angels heaven can boast.”
                                                                        -‘til Sunday-Robert Morehead
Other music selections:
Act Of Praise: Adoration (Handel)
Children’s Song: This Is Where Children Belong
Hymn of Response: O Wondrous Sight, O Vision Fair (#75)
Offertory: Ave Verum (Mozart)
Communion Music: “Largo” from Clarinet Quintet (Mozart)
                                      Adagio, K. 356 (Mozart)
Hymn of Dedication: To God Be The Glory (#485)
Postlude: Celebration No. 4 in F (Keller)
Sunday’s musicians:
1 Chancel Bells
2 Sanctuary Choir

[1]Petersen and Petersen. The One Year Book Of Hymns. Wheaton: Tyndale, 1995.


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