​Musical Musings~ Reflections on Sunday’s Music

June 8, 2014
  1. All of our musicians collaborate for "Stir Up The Flame"
Today's Introit was arranged with the following key words in mind: stir, ablaze and breathe. It is interesting to recognize how each of these words comes to life throughout the arrangement. First, the "stirring of the flame" is presented in the handbell part as it is set within a minimal range of toggling, neighboring pitches that gradually ascend depicting the energy the Holy Spirit provides for us. Second,  it is when the choir joins the singing at the refrain that the word "ablaze" comes to life. Singing remains one of the paths that we can draw close to God and after the revolution Team sings the verse, the entry of the choir keeps the "fire ablaze." So, please remember frequently: keep the fire of the Holy Spirit through singing songs of worship to God and the added benefit is that we will draw closer to our Savior!

Other music selections:
Gathering Music:  Holy Spirit, Rain Down (Fragar)
                                   Light The Fire Again (Doerksen)
Hymn Of Praise: Holy Spirit, Rain Down (Fragar)
Act of Praise: God's Gonna Set This World On Fire (Arr. Moses/Edwin Hogan)
Children’s Song: The Spirit Is Here (R.Morehead/Leah)
Hymn of Response: Come Down, O Love Divine (#313)
Choral Offering: O Hail This Joyful Day, arr. Schweizer (Christopher Tye)
Hymn of Dedication: Glorify Thy Name (Adkins)
Postlude: "Toccata" from Symphony No. 5, Op. 42 No. 5 (Widor)

Sunday’s musicians:
1 Jeff Gamza, percussion
2 Anat Kardontchik, violin
3 Miranda Morehead, handbells
4 Revolution Team
5 Sanctuary Choir
6 Michael Wallace, piano and slapstick


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