Musical Musings~ Reflections on Sunday’s Music

March 30, 2014
  1. Appalachian Lord’s Prayer
Today ‘s  choral offering  sung by the Sanctuary Choir is derived of an Appalachian heritage, which has its musical influences from English ballads, Irish and Scottish fiddle music, African-American blues and hymnody. The text is also slightly altered as God’s power is seen through nature: “Beloved God, beyond the mountains, hallowed be Thy name…for thine is the kindom, the pow’r of morning, the sunset glory.  According to Rick Sowash the word kin-dom is “consistent with Jesus’ teachings about being ‘kin’ with God, that is, being in the family of God as ‘kinfolk,’ a term and a concept which Appalachian persons cherish.”
Musically, one can listen for the following influences:
  • The beginning theme sung in unison emulates the sound of the fiddle
  • The omission of the subdominant scale degree in addition to the flowing phrases point to the style of the English ballad.
  • The last verse moves in homophonic motion, much like a hymn
                                                                        -‘til Sunday-Robert Morehead

Other music selections:
Gathering Music:  Vater unser im Himmelreich                    Georg Böhm                                   
Introit: Canon-Caldara
Hymn Of Praise: Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us (#387)
Act of Praise: Excerpts from Madrigal Sonatas 1+4 –Craig A. Penfield
Children’s Song: God’s Love and Guidance
Special Music: Lead Me, Lord- Arr. Noel Clive
Hymn of Response: Let All Who Pray The Prayer Christ Taught (#349)
Hymn of Dedication: His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Postlude: Sparrow Blues (Arr. Utterback)
Sunday’s musicians:
1 Beulah Brass Trio
2 Sanctuary Choir


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