Musical Musings~ Reflections on Sunday’s Music

March 9, 2014
  1.  3 different ways to experience the Lord’s Prayer musically
As we focus on the Lord’s Prayer during the season of Lent, here are three different musical approaches for you to try:
  1. Meditative: During today’s Gathering Music, I invite you to meditate and reflect on the following scripture passages for each movement of the prelude.
Variation 1: “On earth as it is in heaven”Matthew 6:10c
Variation 2: “Your will be done”Matthew 6:10 b
Variation 3: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11
Variation 4: “Your kingdom come.”Matthew 6:10 a
  1. Unified: During today’s Introit, I encourage you to watch and listen to the Sanctuary choir as we present a cappella music that demands a strict focus on dynamics, tuning and timing and will require strict teamwork. Traditionally, Russian Orthodox music is sung in the church with all in attendance, since there is no choir and no director.
  3. Lively: As the Credo Quartet sings the offertory music by Billings listen for the strong accented notes and animation which remind us as stated in the Lord’s Prayer that “Thine is the kingdom, power and glory, forever, Amen.” Also, listen for the four square sound that can possibly point out that Jesus fits everything together-all of the pieces of our broken lives.
                                                                        -‘til Sunday-Robert Morehead
Other music selections:
Hymn Of Praise: O Worship The King, All Glorious Above (#476)
Act of Praise: O Jesus, I Have Promised (#389)
Children’s Song: God’s Love and Guidance
Hymn of Response: The Lord’s Prayer- INSERT
Offertory: The Lord’s Prayer (Billings)
Hymn of Dedication: More Love To Thee, O Christ (#359)
Postlude: Nachspiel, Op. 143 (Rinck)
Sunday’s musicians:
1 Credo Quartet
2 Sanctuary Choir


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